Along with Farmer Field School for the local farmers, Wildlife Madagascar also seeks to expand educational opportunities into the wider communities.

In a place where traditions are proudly passed down through generations, effecting change through education takes time, as people need to be convinced of the need for it before overhauling their way of life. Sustained success of Wildlife Madagascar’s programs will require significant community buy-in, building and supporting the skills of local community-based organizations and individuals. This focus will enable the program activities to multiply beyond the life of the initial projects and provide a model for other communities in the country.
Wildlife Madagascar will partner with communities to:

Provide support and supplementary education to ensure that children attend and complete primary school and become participants in appreciating and protecting their native wildlife.
Raise awareness of conservation issues within communities and share knowledge of how to monitor and regulate resource use and needs.

Support community members taking on roles and responsibilities in conservation efforts, building their skills, knowledge, and experience to become conservation leaders.