Conservation research is vital to deepening our understanding of Madagascar’s unique animals, plants, and habitats. Here we provide a selection of published papers, book contributions, and communications relating to scientific studies in Madagascar, highlighting the work of Timothy Eppley, Ph.D., Wildlife Madagascar’s Conservation Biologist.

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Evaluating the impact of infrastructure and human-modified landscapes on spatial patterns of primate species

Dr. Tim Eppley and colleagues recently published an article in the high-profile journal Global Change Biology, evaluating the impact of infrastructure and human-modified landscapes on spatial patterns of primate species worldwide. They show that the negative impact …

Do functional traits offset the effects of fragmentation? The case of large‐bodied diurnal lemur species

Primates worldwide are faced with increasing threats, particularly anthropogenic disturbances, making them more vulnerable to extinction. As this situation continues to worsen, we sought to understand how fragmentation affects primate …

Non-native Habitat Use by Endemic Terrestrial Malagasy Mammals

Contribution to The New Natural History of Madagascar.
Numerous forest-dependent land vertebrates, including 95% of lemur species, are threatened with extinction, and as their natural habitats disappear, degraded areas are often colonized by introduced plant species, some of them invasive. As such, it is important to understand the role of introduced plants and associated habitats, as well as agroecosystems, in lemur and other endemic mammal survival.

Lemur Food Plants

Contribution to The New Natural History of Madagascar.
Of the nearly 110 lemur species currently recognized, 61 have been the subject of at least one dietary study that has provided information on the taxa and parts of plants used for food. This chapter contribution builds on previously published information with additional unpublished data, focusing on plants, both native and introduced, rather than other types of food items lemurs consume.

Coquerel’s Sifaka

Contribution to 25 Most Endangered Primates.
A profile of the natural history and conservation status of the Critically Endangered Coquerel’s Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli).

Hypomelanism among collared brown lemurs (Eulemur collaris) in littoral forest fragments

A short report on observations of piebaldism, an unusual phenomenon in lemurs, in wild populations of collared brown lemurs (Eulemur collaris).